Operation Straight Spine: Healing Spines Worldwide
Practical medical and surgical intervention for adults & children with spinal disorders.

Dr. Jeffrey McConnell, founder of Operation Straight Spine.
There is an extremely high level of musculoskeletal deformity in many developing nations. In children especially, spinal disorders can be a major source of emotional stress and socio-economic hardship. These conditions may worsen over time leading to increased misery, physical disability, and loss of independence. The Spine Education and Research Foundation’s (SERF) goal is to maintain a recognized spinal treatment service in a developing nation for those individuals who could not otherwise afford or have access to such services.
Operation Straight Spine (OSS) was conceived in 2002 by two spinal surgeons with a shared vision to establish a medical aid project for children and adults with spinal disorders. The aim was to create a recognized spinal correction service at an established charity hospital in India. This service provides comprehensive medical and state-of-the-art surgical care to children and adults from socially deprived areas who would not otherwise have access or could not afford such treatment.
OSS offers a holistic approach, both medical and developmental. It provides practical medical and surgical interventions, followed by comprehensive rehabilitation to maximize the recovery process. Follow-up services include outpatient clinics, on-going medical therapies and access to social services to maximize each patient’s ability to become self-sufficient and independent.
Present and planned services include:
- Diagnostic referral process / clinic appointment
- Surgical procedures
- Post-operative rehabilitation program
- Follow-up monthly clinic
- Vocational training and placement scheme
- On-going support and assistance for patients to maximize their personal potential